Friday 15 June 2012


Yes, i actually ovulated, after all of that. I have had some good temperatures over my cover line, although it seems to be taking the shape of what is called a fall back rise and a little erratic. But i have been waking up at 4 the last few mornings and i always worry about taking it at my usual time or taking it immediately. So that is to be expected. But i ovulated and I am so so relieved and happy. I of course told my IPs and they were happy and seem to be excited about an actual 2ww. But Insems happened at least 4 days before Ovulation so chances are it will be a negative cycle.

So all in all, I am overjoyed but i just need AF to arrive later than originally planned so i can achieve a decent Luteal phase, at least 10 or 11 days. I am currently 8 or 9days past ovulation today (chart and I are disagreeing) so I am pleading for the witch to stay away until Sunday. Which is when we are meeting up for coffee with C and V so we will be able to get our diaries together and make sure that we Insem every single day until OV happens! I hope C is up for that! I am so ready for to give next month a good shot.

On the herbs side of things, I am going to start just my Peppermint tea twice a day and I have some other oil types to aid EWCM but the Agnus Castus i am leaving until i know what happens next cycle. Oh and i am also taking my temperature vaginally from now on. I know i shouldn't start so far into a cycle, but as I am not looking for ovulation anymore, it won't hurt too much- and i have worked out that it is about one degree and a tenth warmer that way so I can adjust accordingly. It will just mean that it is more accurate in building a picture.

Nothing else to report here, just plodding on and inching my way forward till the next month where things can be more certain.

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