Wednesday 30 May 2012

This cycle?

We are running around like mad men this week. Trying to get everything drawn up, ordered and organised. The agreement meeting was fun, and IF came along too which is always great. So we covered everything, my life insurance policy is in place as soon as they send my paperwork to sign and supplies are being ordered. So, we thought we may get a trial run in this cycle.

I tend to do this with the previous 3 couples I have matched with as no one holds out much hope of them working, we can get over any last minute embarrassment and trial run the journeys, time taken etc. Just to remember I met them through an organisation for surrogacy 2 years ago and they have access to my medical records and I have had their test results too. So it really is a case of just starting the conceiving part now that everyone is on the same page and I wouldn't advocate doing this so quickly unless I knew them as well as I do and knew that their CRBs were done- which they have.
I still think that it will take at least 4 months to achieve pregnancy, but if it should happen, I will be over the moon.

The contract is just being typed up and we will all sign asap as OV is due this weekend. I will not, repeat not, start until that is done so we will see!
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