Monday 28 May 2012

Almost June!

And the parallels between this year and last are hard to ignore. This time last year we were finishing off testing and planning to TTC in June.
It was hot like it is now, and I had excitement written all over my face. Which is exactly the same as this year. Almost to the day everything is identical apart from the fact that I had known my last couple for 3/4months by conceiving and this time I have known C and V coming up for 2 years. And I am 4 stone lighter. But it all feels really weird, looking at charts especially.

Anyway, meeting tomorrow with IM to go over the agreement, and I have started properly charting. I found my BBT thermometer, an almost full pack of ovulation tests, syringes and pots. Which is handy, but also weird too. And so quickly do I slip back into talking termination, samples, temperatures and cervix position do I remember- I was born to do this. It is my natural comfort zone!

So we are still on for June- I don't expect any difficulties with the contract phase. We are still in contact every other day, IF and I still getting on so well, I really have so much fun with him and he, I.

Last year I conceived the second month or trying, in July. Hoping that its the same or less, but we will see. I keep worrying that I will have problems. Maybe my cervical erosion can cause complications (doctor says no as does most of google), or I am older now, lost too much weight and mucked up ovulation, or that the IF is older so my chances drop. Last time I worked with two IFs and we alternated it. No chance of that now.

But I need to shake it, as that won't help. I am here for the long haul and I will do all there is to make it work. I learnt that, and perseverance from a good surrogate friend recently! It really can make dreams come true.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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