Wednesday 16 May 2012

17th May

Ok, so one day, or one text/email to be precise, I really think we are going to match. Something is said, a hope aired, a compliment paid. Then it leads nowhere again and I go back to thinking of moving on. Apparently they are talking, lots, about their options.

And I am getting angrier the more it drags on, the more I talk it over with friends or my husband. Because I understand them not wanting to risk everything just quite yet, playing both sides, hedging their bets so to speak but let's get this straight. I am offering a biological child to them, a pregnancy of their own. Imput, control, a whole new little person. And if they can't move forward now? I have offered to wait a year and match with them then. Its simple really- I just don't won't to wait another 8 months before any further action. A no mans land.

But yet I get texts out of the blue that make sure they remain in my thoughts and heart, or offer certain things in a match to make sure that I am enticed to wait.
And I would admire them even more if they took a risk! Either way is a bit of a risk really. Just make a decision for definite.

I promised to give them a few months, back in March, so reallistically I only have another month of waiting and then I will make things go for me.

I am just frustrated at this situation. Back to feeling less so tomorrow, and from now on, I promise!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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