Monday 8 October 2012

20 weeks, wohooo!

And feeling amazing! I am a little more tired this week as I have been working in the house like a trojan, and we have had back to back illness for the children but feeling great. I am loving that my belly has finally popped out and I (think?) I look pregnant. Baby is moving aroung so much I can almost feel him from the outside which will be so cool for my Ips to feel. Our scan is in 4 days and I just can't wait to see their faces watching him. Obviously, it can be nerve wracking as they check all of his stats and anatomy but I am hopeful and positive that all is good. Touch wood.

Today marks a new day for me in terms of the diet- I have put on 21 pounds since the BFP. That is absolutely not on and I have to do something about it. The main reasons are that my metabolism was incredibly sluggish living over 1200 cals for 5 months immmediately before hand, not being able to run as I was doing 3 times weekly before and all I want to eat is bread, toast and pizza.

Unless I eat those things, I have such watery mouth, a sicky, sloshy feeling in my stomach and i get heart burn. Not sure why, but the thought of eating anything else just doesn't do it for me! Meat and fruit at the worst things for my heartburn right now. BUT i have to, i will have to try harder and I am inputting my cals into my fitness pal again. God, that was depressing, looking at my lowest weight that I last inputted 5 months ago, my starting weight in the new year, and my weight now. But I feel motivated- I am not going to be stupid about this, I don't believe in losing weight in pregnancy per se, but I need to aim to maintain this weight I am now, for the rest of the pregnancy. I think that is a healthy attitude to have an totally doable.

So that is it- hoping to update after the scan on Thursday. I am in two minds whether I want to know the gender, and so are my Ips. I did worry at the beginning about bonding should I know the sex, and ultimately it isn't up to me, but I just imagine him as a boy and so therefor, bond to him as a boy. And that is ok! Bonding in a sense that he is a surrogate baby, not mine but someone else to look after for the time being. It isn't scary to say those things either. He isn't mine but mine for the duration to care for, I think of him as a sweet little thing and i wouldn't have anything bad happen to him. But glad to hand him over and get my life back on track as it was before. Just like a nephew. Or neice!


  1. Okay girl, I've got you in my reader now. Twenty one pounds doesn't sound atrocious. I think if we nourish our body the best we can it will do what it will with the weight. I dislike how much all the modern charts tell us we are supposed to gain or not gain. We are all different. Good luck working in the healthy foods and you and me just need to embrace the boring activity of walking. :) Good luck and congrats on 20 weeks!!!

  2. Ha, thank you for following and reminding me not to worry too much about the weight thing. :-)
    Ahh, embracing the walking. Erm, not so much this end! I get the dog, on a lead and start off on a moderate pace. And find myself going faster, and faster and before you know it I want to break out into a run, may be even a full on sprint. Dog looks at me like we are chasing something and baby gives me a kick to tell me off. Tomorrow, I am leaving the house in 5 inch heels so i am not tempted! ha ha!
