"So this is a new blog, leaving my old one behind. I have it saved somewhere but after 18 months of ups an downs, tears and tantrums, i wanted a new one from the start of 2012. Because this is a new year, a new me and my final 12 months trying to become a surrogate and make someone's lives change for ever. Because the bug is still nipping at my toes and I can't forget my dream of achieving this yet." 7th February 2012
This was written on this blog, a year ago (in 3 days time to be precise). This blog was intended to document my year in surrogacy, to see how the year went and if I achieved my goal. What amazing journey it's been in that year!!!
Like, I had an idea that it would only take a year?!- I couldn't have planned this blog, it's title and how its all panned out, any better it seems! And we all know by now that in surrogacy, you can't usually plan these things, things have a habit of working themselves out in their own time, if in fact, they do at all.
But as of today, a year to when i started this blog, I am sitting on my birthing ball, with a breast pump attached, constant text messages of appreciation from my IPs, and a dinner that they made us in the oven, lots of contractions, MW has confirmed baby is engaged and we are literally days away from making this dream a reality. Wow!
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