Tuesday, 27 November 2012

27 week updates

Today I am 27 plus 3 and a lot has been going on here. Nothing in terms of my post last week thankfully. Everything has been on the up with my IPs, they have been fantastic and I am so glad that i managed to explain how I was feeling and we can all move on from it stronger than ever. IF is away again for another charity mission but IM is being sweet and bringing my frozen meals over. So sweet!

 My SPD has been really bad the last 2 or 3 weeks and my IPs sent me to see a private physio. I can't say, having had it in my number 2 pregnancy 9 years ago, that I learnt much more, but I got a new band to wear and some new exercises, so just going made me feel proactive and not so worried. When I had it with my son, I was in a wheelchair from 35 weeks, using crutches from 28 and having to sleep sitting up for the last 10 weeks. To say I got very down, is an understatement and it does worry me that it will be that bad again. Fingers crossed though, I am thinking positively and being sensible!

Which then brings me on to the next point- since Friday I have been having tightenings, a little stronger than Braxton Hicks, up to every 2 minutes. They weren't painful, but uncomfortable and I began timing them and they went on all day, no exaggeration. In fact most of the weekend. But as soon as I changed position, they went let up a while so I wasn't overly worried. Then I started having stabbing pains in my cervix, and yesterday i felt really damp, like a watery discharge. So i assumed perhaps the band I was wearing was irritating my uterus, but i stopped wearing that on Saturday, and yet they continued.

 However, yesterday and today they have gone back down to about 2 or 3 an hour which is comforting to say the least, but I went to see the doctor today, and she checked everything over. My cervix is still tightly closed, she couldn't see any leaking fluid using a speculum, I tested negative for a UTI or other infection which could cause pre term labour and because they are ceasing and my cervix is closed, I am to rest up for now. But if they come back like they were over the weekend, or I get backache I am to go to the hospital for monitoring.

So that has been my week/10 days. The baby is moving around so much, her heartbeat was good and strong when checked and she is head down! Not engaged, and down the right way which is fantastic!

Oh and my OH has been amazing the last week, and he seems so much more on board since I sorted out the issues with my IPs. He even strokes my tummy now! So sweet, and so helpful, especially as I am quite tired lately, with not sleeping due to the SPD! Fingers crossed all continues to be plain sailing from here.

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