Tuesday, 5 June 2012


I still haven't had a temp rise. In fact I was apparently colder this morning than ever before. 97.1 or 36.2. I have never been that cold, and I actually felt warm this am.
Also, I experienced 3 flat temperatures this cycle. I have always read that purely because external factors vary day to day, it is exceedingly rare to have the same reading 3 days in a row when using a thermometer to two decimal points. I.e you could have a temp or 97.4 three times but exactly 97.42 three days in a row? Unlikely.

Then I remembered. My last cycle in which I used the BBT thermometer, was the one in which I got pregnant. And towards the end of the 2 week wait, I started getting flat temps. We were obviously looking for implantation dips or a triphasic chart, but I kept getting the same reading. We thought it was strange, and I managed to borrow a friends one whilst my IF ordered a new battery. And sure enough, the temps were different and my chart took another shape. By the time it came, I was well and truly pregnant and testing positive so I never bothered changing it.

So when I found all of my 'kit' in the top of the wardrobe, I just began using it. Without a new battery.

Now, I am not saying that all of my temperatures are wrong, but merely saying I am a total tool, and I am going to discount this chart and change the battery. Then I will know what I am truly dealing with!
If you want to leave a comment, outlining why I am an utter moron please feel free!!

Yesterday I had a tiny amount of spotting when I wiped once which has been my new pattern since the cervical erosion. It happens around ovulation as a result of hormone changes (it was the first symptom that made me get checked out if you remember). It was more browny coloured and nowhere near as much as previous months before the cauterising which is good. But I find it interesting to have an external symptom of a possible ovulation. Along with breast tenderness, actual OV pains on both sides, increased libido, my usual hormonal headache a few days back, EWCM and cervical position changes I am feeling just a tiny little bit hopeful that I did infact ovulate.
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